The Golf Marketing Bible Volume 2
Over 250 Totally New Pages of Cutting-Edge Golf Marketing Information!

The Golf Marketing Bible Will Dramatically Improve Your Golf Club’s
Golf Marketing Performance!
The golf course business has changed dramatically since we published the first Golf Marketing Bible in 2005 and even since the updated version in 2014.
The Golf Marketing Bible Volume Two takes over where the first book left off, featuring over 250 totally new pages of cutting edge golf course marketing information designed to quickly boost your business. Lots of new graphical examples and over 500 pages in total!
If you answered YES to any of these, then read on...
No matter what type of golf business you have; Daily Fee, Private Club, Resort, Range, Golf School or Destination in this program you will discover how to:
The Golf Marketing Bible Volume 2 Features Totally NEW Chapters On...

Dear Golf Course Owner, Manager, Professional or Marketing Director:

Nothing is more important to your business and personal success than your ability to attract new customers. Nothing!
The Golf Marketing Bible has the answers you need to generate players, members, outings, room nights and profits!
My name is Andrew Wood, President of Legendary Marketing and for the last two decades, I have worked with over 1,500 golf clubs in over 20 different countries. I was a pioneer in marketing golf on the Internet, through email and social media. I’m considered by most in the golf industry to be the world’s foremost expert on golf marketing. My best-selling book The Golf Marketing Bible will provide you and your golf club with a complete BULLETPROOF BLUEPRINT to Golf Marketing success and PROFITS!
Jam-packed with over 500 pages (250 totally new, the remaining updated for 2017), the proven golf marketing strategies you’ll discover will dramatically increase your golf marketing performance, whether you have a daily fee golf operation looking for play, a private golf club looking for members, a real estate operation looking for sales, or a golf school looking for students.
The Golf Marketing Bible is the answer to generating a huge amount of profitable leads. This book is quite simply the very best investment you can possibly make in your golf club or your career. If it’s not the best information you’ve ever read on marketing your golf operation, simply send it back for a full refund!
How to Maximize Your Golf Club's Income with Perfect Positioning, Promotions, Packaging, and Pricing!
Only one person in any market can use this single golf course marketing secret to out-market every other golf club in town. You don’t have to be the biggest or the best – just have this one secret weapon. Get it now before your competitors do!
Dramatically increase your income with these foolproof tactics:

Learn How to Master the Art and Science of Effective Golf Advertising & Collateral
You will discover why 80% of your current golf marketing may be an insane waste of YOUR money. Plus a proven, sure-fire way to increase the response and profits of every ad you place and every letter you mail. I am talking about doubling or tripling your advertising effectiveness in a matter of minutes!
You’ll learn:
The Insider's Guide to Internet and Golf Email Marketing
The Internet offers you the fastest and most cost effective way to golf marketing success, but only when used correctly and in conjunction with strategic social and offline marketing. Cut through the myths and discover how to unlock the true potential of the Internet for your golf club.

Inside Secrets of the Social Media Revolution; Put The Awesome Power of Social Media to Work for Your Golf Club to Drive Play, Participation, and Profits!
In this chapter:
There is a dizzying array of social media to choose from including Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Fast Pitch, blogging, and YouTube, to name just a few. It’s hard to know where to start, hard to know which ones are worthwhile and harder still to figure out how you profit from any investment of time or money in any of them! Even if you do it’s hard to figure out just who is going to do all that tweeting and blogging!

You'll discover:

Grow Your Golf Membership Instantly with Golf Marketing Strategies that REALLY Work in Today's Tough Environment!
Selling golf memberships is not as easy as it used to be! But if you use the latest tactics unveiled in The Golf Marketing Bible while your competitors are complaining about the economy, you’ll be building a waiting list!
Strategies I’ll share include:
Your Golf Club's Secret Weapon to Increase Response, Build Loyalty and Destroy Your Competition!
Very few people truly understand the incredible income generating power of direct mail. Those who do are almost always millionaires and never have any problems in attracting business. There is simply no more predictable way to generate massive income for your golf club than through direct response marketing but you have to follow a careful set of rules to make it work for you!
Discover ‘Insider’ secrets to direct response including:

How to Increase Sales in Every Department at Your Golf Course!
Nowhere is the payoff to your bottom line faster or more dramatic than by a small increase in sales skills. You’ll get detailed information on how to get everyone on your team involved in selling more than you ever thought possible! And that includes your people who don’t think they are in sales.
In fact, I’ll share ideas with you that are so clever that you won’t be able to stop yourself from smiling just thinking about the positive effect they will have on your business!!!!
Dominate The Society, League or Golf Outing Business in Your Area!
For daily fee golf clubs, golf outings can be the backbone of their business while private always clubs enjoy the extra income they provide. Almost all agree that outside tournaments and charity events are among the most lucrative and sought after business in the golf industry Because of this, competition to attract such events is fierce in many markets and demands a separate and focused marketing system if you are to be successful.
The process for success does not change. You must build a large database of outing prospects. Market to them to generate leads. Sell them on the idea of having an event at your golf club. Then follow up so they do the very same thing next year!

Plus Much, Much More!
You're Going to Earn Back Ten Times Your Investment the Very First Time You Use Even ONE of The Strategies in This Book!
For most golf clubs, if what you read brings in just a FEW more members, golf outings, weddings, banquets or cash-in-hand daily-fee customers — and gives you new tactics to continue bringing in additional customers — you’re in a position to print money.
In fact, you’ll increase your cash flow in so many different ways, you will wonder where all the money was hiding!
Quite frankly this will be the best investment you have ever made in your club for ROI. What’s more I guarantee it…


No Risk To You With Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
With our Ironclad Money Back Guarantee you have nothing to lose and ten’s of thousands of dollars to gain from the exciting, practical and proven information in this book.
You’ll have one full month to decide… if this works for you!
If you don’t agree that the information and strategies contained in The Golf Marketing Bible are worth ONE THOUSAND TIMES THE COVER PRICE in cold hard cash to your club, simply send it back for a full refund. Invest now and maximize your club’s income immediately. Order Now!

About The Author, Andrew Wood
Born in Oxford, England and growing up in the midland county of Shropshire, Andrew Wood immigrated to America in 1980 to pursue a career as a professional golfer. Unfortunately, lack of talent held him back and he accidentally found himself running a small karate school in Southern California. After struggling to survive for 18 months as a small business owner he decided to focus all his attention on marketing. This focus soon paid off and he increased his income to six figures while still in his twenties. His initial interest in marketing turned into a passion and he quickly turned the single school into a national franchise of over 400 units.
After selling out of the karate business in the late 90’s he moved to Florida where he founded Legendary Marketing, a business designed to combine his passion for golf and travel with his marketing expertise.
Legendary quickly built a name for itself in the golf industry with innovative websites, social media, and online campaigns. Over the last decade, Wood has worked with over 1500 golf clubs, resorts and developments, in over twenty countries. His clients include properties in the USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Russia, the Caribbean, and Morocco to name just a few.
Author of over 40 books including; Million Dollar Laptop, Cowboy Wisdom, Cunningly Clever Marketing, Cunningly Clever Selling, Cunningly Clever Entrepreneur, The Golf Marketing Bible, The Hotel Marketing Bible, Confessions of a Golf Pro and many more. He is considered the world’s leading expert in golf, resort and real estate marketing and spoken to thousands of audiences worldwide on this and other topics from his books.
A pioneer in internet marketing his creative talent, out of the box ideas and copywriting skills are at the core of his expertise. Regarded as one of the top marketing minds in the world his ability to generate leads and increase income! In his spare time he travels the world, plays golf & tennis, writes books and occasionally races cars!
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