And a Brick Fell From the Wall


1979- Tettenhall College for boys was a private school near Wolverhampton. Posh though it appeared, it was a school with a dark secret. Bullying and abuse were rife, and not just among the pupils. The headmaster was a sadistic Irishman who wheeled his slipper and cane with abandon. Our class of 11- and 12-year-olds all lived in constant fear of his abuse.


As a child, you are taught to trust and respect your parents, teachers, policemen, and priests. But no one ever tells you what to do when you know in your heart they can’t be trusted. When you know that what the adults are doing is wrong. You are in uncharted territory, alone, making decisions you don’t want to make. That you shouldn’t have to make but that must be made anyway.


I knew the only way to stop the bullying was to confront it. For me that point came on November 16th, 1979. The #1 song on radio Luxembourg was “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd. It gave me courage, gave me hope and told me I was not alone. It connected with me as no song ever had before or has since.


It was the song in my head when I committed my first murder. I was just thirteen years old…


This is a work of fiction. Although its form is that of an autobiography, it is not one. Times have been rearranged to suit the convenience of the book and, except for public figures, any actual resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. The opinions expressed are those of the characters and should not be confused with the author’s.


Really well written “story”. So much of the background is absolutely true. In real life the Headmaster was every bit as bad as portrayed. Recommend to anyone with even a passing interest in the school.

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